
Sunday Liturgy: St. Paul, Ibafo: 8.30am (Adult and Children) | Unity Estate Mass Centre – 6.30am. Weekday Liturgies: St. Paul, Ibafo: Monday-Thursday – Exposition/Lauds/Mass – 6.00am | Wednesday: Masses in Small Christian Communities | Friday: Catechetical Mass – 6.30pm | Saturday: Mass – 7am and Confessions – 7.45am. You are most welcome!


Friday 7 October 2016

About today

Christ is the son of Mary: come, let us adore him

Year: C(II). Psalm week: 3. Liturgical Colour: White.

Our Lady of the Rosary
The feast of the Holy Rosary was instituted by Pope Pius V to celebrate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571, which ended the threat of Muslim domination of the Mediterranean and was ascribed in part to the prayers and processions of the Rosary confraternity in Rome. Later the feast was moved to the fixed date of 7 October.

Liturgical colour: white
White is the colour of heaven. Liturgically, it is used to celebrate feasts of the Lord; Christmas and Easter, the great seasons of the Lord; and the saints. Not that you will always see white in church, because if something more splendid, such as gold, is available, that can and should be used instead. We are, after all, celebrating.
In the earliest centuries all vestments were white – the white of baptismal purity and of the robes worn by the armies of the redeemed in the Apocalypse, washed white in the blood of the Lamb. As the Church grew secure enough to be able to plan her liturgy, she began to use colour so that our sense of sight could deepen our experience of the mysteries of salvation, just as incense recruits our sense of smell and music that of hearing. Over the centuries various schemes of colour for feasts and seasons were worked out, and it is only as late as the 19th century that they were harmonized into their present form.

Mid-morning reading (Terce)Romans 1:16-17
The power of God saves all who have faith – Jews first, but Greeks as well – since this is what reveals the justice of God to us: it shows how faith leads to faith, or as scripture says: The upright man finds life through faith.

Noon reading (Sext)Romans 3:21-22
God’s justice that was made known through the Law and the Prophets has now been revealed outside the Law, since it is the same justice of God that comes through faith to everyone who believes.

Afternoon reading (None)Ephesians 2:8-9
It is by grace that you have been saved, through faith; not by anything of your own, but by a gift from God; not by anything that you have done, so that nobody can claim the credit.

Friday 7 October 2016 | Friday of week 27 in Ordinary Time | (Our Lady of the Rosary )

First reading                                                                    Galatians3:7-14

Don’t you see that it is those who rely on faith who are the sons of Abraham? Scripture foresaw that God was going to use faith to justify the pagans, and proclaimed the Good News long ago when Abraham was told: In you all the pagans will be blessed. Those therefore who rely on faith receive the same blessing as Abraham, the man of faith.
On the other hand, those who rely on the keeping of the Law are under a curse, since scripture says: Cursed be everyone who does not persevere in observing everything prescribed in the book of the Law. The Law will not justify anyone in the sight of God, because we are told: the righteous man finds life through faith. The Law is not even based on faith, since we are told: The man who practises these precepts finds life through practising them. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by being cursed for our sake, since scripture says: Cursed be everyone who is hanged on a tree. This was done so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might include the pagans, and so that through faith we might receive the promised Spirit.

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 110:1-6

The Lord keeps his covenant ever in mind.

            I will thank the Lord with all my heart
In the meeting of the just and their assembly. 
Great are the works of the Lord,
To be pondered by all who love them.

The Lord keeps his covenant ever in mind.

            Majestic and glorious his work,
His justice stands firm for ever.
He makes us remember his wonders,
The Lord is compassion and love.

The Lord keeps his covenant ever in mind.

            He gives food to those who fear him;
Keeps his covenant ever in mind.
He has shown his might to his people 
By giving them the lands of the nations.

The Lord keeps his covenant ever in mind.

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia!
The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice,
says the Lord,
I know them and they follow me.


Alleluia, alleluia!
Now the prince of this world is to be overthrown,
says the Lord.
And when I am lifted up from the earth,
I shall draw all men to myself.

Luke 11:15-26
 When Jesus had cast out a devil, some of the people said, ‘It is through Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.’ Others asked him, as a test, for a sign from heaven; but, knowing what they were thinking, he said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin, and a household divided against itself collapses. So too with Satan: if he is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? – Since you assert that it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils. Now if it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils, through whom do your own experts cast them out? Let them be your judges then. But if it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you. So long as a strong man fully armed guards his own palace, his goods are undisturbed; but when someone stronger than he is attacks and defeats him, the stronger man takes away all the weapons he relied on and shares out his spoil.
‘He who is not with me is against me; and he who does not gather with me scatters.
‘When an unclean spirit goes out of a man it wanders through waterless country looking for a place to rest, and not finding one it says, “I will go back to the home I came from.” But on arrival, finding it swept and tidied, it then goes off and brings seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and set up house there, so that the man ends up by being worse than he was before.’

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Papa and Magada Churches leaves in grand style! CYON shines!

t was an interesting and wonderful day on Monday 3rd October, 2016 at the Church’s premises as St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa and her new outstation, Catholic Church of The Ascension, Madaga were given a treat in a send-forth party. Papa and Magada Churches had been outstations of St. Paul Ibafo until September when St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa was elevated to the status of a full-Parish with Church of Ascension, Madaga as her first outstation.  The venue of the event was filled to capacity with parishioners from across Ibafo attended the event. Also in attendance were Rev. Fr. Anthony O. Umana (Parish Priest, St. Thomas – Papa), Rev. Fr. Mathias Olutan (Assistant Parish Priest, St. Paul – Ibafo), Parish Pastoral Council Vice-Chairmen of the Churches in attendance, and their Laity Council Chairmen also. CWO of the three churches, in their regalia, were also fully represented at the event. 

The events began with the Holy Mass at 11am and then followed by the party. At the opening of the party, attendees listened to a presentation by a representative of the CMO on the first lecture for the Catechetical Week. 

Adding more spice to the party were the various competitions organized for the CYON of the three Churches (St. Paul, St. Thomas and Church of Ascension). There was a Cooking Match, a Drama Contest, a Dance Competition, a Choreography competition and a non-competitive Dance-Drama presentation on the “Unity of the youth.” Attendees were wowed at the display of great talents of the CYON members in any of the categories of the competitions. In his reaction Rev. Fr. Peter Adigun (an adjudicator for the competitions) lauded the effort of the Parish Priest of St. Paul Ibafo, Rev. Fr. Miguel Gomez for encouraging the competitive program for the Youths. 

The summary of the result of the competitions are as follows:

Cooking Match

1st Runner-Up
2nd Runner-Up
Church of the Ascension, Magada.
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa.
St. Paul Catholic Church, Ibafo.

Drama Contest

1st Runner-Up
2nd Runner-Up
St. Paul Catholic Church, Ibafo.
Church of the Ascension, Magada.
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa.

Dance Competition (Traditional)

1st Runner-Up
2nd Runner-Up
St. Paul Catholic Church, Ibafo.
Church of the Ascension, Magada.
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa.

Choreography Competition

1st Runner-Up
2nd Runner-Up
Church of the Ascension, Magada.
St. Paul Catholic Church, Ibafo.
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa.

Final Results

Winner = N40,000.00
1st Runner-Up = N20,000.00
2nd Runner-Up = N10,000.00
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Papa.
St. Paul Catholic Church, Ibafo.
Church of the Ascension, Magada.

See photos after the cut... [loading...]

Monday 3 October 2016

Send-forth for our former outstations

St. Paul Ibafo host the newly created Parish, St. Thomas Papa and and their new first outstaion, Catholic Church of the Ascension Magada in a farewell celebration today, October 3, 2016. Details will be coming as the event unfolds.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Welcome to our blog!!

Thank you for visiting our blog. We are still in the process of uploading useful contents and materials you may check back as we shall complete the uploads shortly. But will you wait, you may read our Parish history to learn more about us. May the peace of Christ be with you!